Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2full page reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2full page reflection paper - Essay Example long to Western countries, among others); the manner of selecting art works; and whose points of views should be emphasized as focal points for conveying the meaning of these works of art; to name a few. On the other hand, Heartney’s article argued that the works of art selected for the exhibit seemed to exemplify the skills and talents of non-Western artists as bordering between traditional local and Western culture. This has also be the subject of discussion in the interview by Buchloh with Martin (Buchloh). Upon absorbing the main thrusts of the authors’ contentions, one was able to appreciate viewing the varied works of arts which were included in the exhibit. The diversity within which these art works were chosen reflect the objective of the proponents in showcasing talents of artists from all over the world. It was therefore commendable that through publishing these articles, art enthusiasts who did not have the resources to attend the exhibit at that time, and even in contemporary times, could marvel at diverse art forms in the artists’ personal interpretation of cultural underpinnings. One could affirm that the selection for the exhibit was indeed representative of different cultures from a global sphere. Much the same assertion noted by Heartney was the revelation that â€Å"the most interesting works in the show were produced by non-Western artists conversant with the subtleties of Western art and culture and interested in the interplay between these traditions and their own† (94). One strongly believes that contemporary artists, even from non-Western countries, or those identified to be cultural margins, could have been influenced by Western culture. Specifically, due to the evolving technological and communication applications, at the time that the exhibit was organized, archaic practices, as opposed to ‘primitive’ became a crucial criteria for inclusion. Therefore, emphasizing that viewers would expect diversity and unconventional art forms

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Industrial ergonomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Industrial ergonomics - Essay Example This paper will look at human error, and how it relates and affects ergonomic issues in the workplace. The human body is prone to get fatigued after continuous, vigorous work. This leaves room for errors to inevitably occur, as a result of fatigue. For example, take a person working in the office behind a computer the entire day. The eyes, wrists, and back are strained significantly from constant use and movement. At the end of the day, this person may not be fully productive due to fatigue. The application of ergonomics comes into play in such scenarios. Devices are designed to ensure that a person’s performance is optimal, greatly reducing the chances of human error, which are a result of fatigue. In the scenario provided, special glasses for the eyes, high articulating keyboard for the wrist and adjustable chairs for the back are some of the features that can be adopted to reduce fatigue and human error (Karwowski, 1997). Ergonomics, therefore, ensures that the employees are safe and, that they perform optimally in any organization. This is done by reducing the amount of errors in their output, thus, strengthening their input. This translates to more productivity since employees will work for longer hours with reduced levels of fatigue. This strategy ensures that companies reduce internals costs and improve working capability, thus, boosting the profits to higher margins. It also helps the company save up money which would otherwise go to employees for compensation in key cases of fatigue and human error. It is highly recommended for companies to embrace this and help their employees in maximizing their potential, which will subsequently boost the company’s objectives (Karwowski,